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The STEAM Project is participating in the 13th annual Universal Care Strides for Stroke 5K Run/Walk supporting Mackenzie Health on Saturday May 5, 2018, and we want you to join us!

Strides for Stroke brings together more than 1,200 patients, doctors, nurses, hospital staff and community members on a 5K walk/run through the streets of Richmond Hill and Vaughan to raise funds for Mackenzie Health.

Strides for Stroke is a fun, healthy way to support enhanced patient care at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital, the future Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital and the York Region District Stroke Centre Program at Mackenzie Health.

Since 2006, Strides for Stroke has raised nearly $1.5 million to help fund education programs and lifesaving equipment including CT Scanners, MRI and ECG machines, vital sign and beside monitors that are used throughout the hospital and in the diagnoses and treatment of stroke care at Mackenzie Health.

If you’d like to join us for a fun run for a great cause you can register here:

Search for the team name: “The Steam Project” and use password: steam

Hope to see you there!